- Water Contamination
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- Water Contamination

- Water Contamination
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- Water Contamination

PARAGARD IUD Litigation Overview
ParaGard is an intrauterine birth control device (IUD) that uses copper instead of hormones for long-term birth control in women. It is a flexible “T” -a shaped device made of plastic with a copper wound around both arms and the central trunk. The copper produces an inflammatory reaction in the uterus that acts as a spermicide and interferes with sperm motility and implantation to help prevent fertilization. Once the device is implanted, it can remain for up to 10 years to prevent pregnancy. Marketing claims the device is more than 99 percent effective.
What injuries are caused by ParaGard?
Broken ParaGard IUDs can lead to painful complications, infections, and reversional surgeries. Other injuries and side effects include:
- Total or partial hysterectomy
- Surgery for removal
- Perforation of the uterus or uterine lining/wall
- Broken pieces lodged into the uterine cavity
- Pain, cramping, or bleeding due to irritation by broken pieces
- Migration of the device
- Copper wire left in the body
- Pelvic pain
- Expulsion
- Infections
- Scarring
- Organ damage
Additionally, the damage caused by ParaGard can result in the patient losing the ability to have children or the ability to have a vaginal delivery.
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(888) 825-8007
P.O. Box 76360
Atlanta, GA 30358-1360
Linville Law Group | Contact Us
(888) 800-1784
P.O. Box 76360
Atlanta, GA 30358-1360